12 years |
to |
tok accepts options and prints help message now
12 years |
to |
prawie ca�kiem nowe dgc, du�e zmiany w dgp, pomniejsze poprawki
12 years |
to |
dodanie mo�liwo�ci szybkiego uaktualniania s�ownika dla lema
13 years |
to |
dodane programy do uaktualniania slownika form (compdic-*)
13 years |
to |
dodana opcja --time w dgp, poprawione przesy�anie b�belk�w, obsluga &LEFT, …
13 years |
to |
fixed further bugs around compdic
cats file renamed and moved
config files …
13 years |
to |
fixed bug in lst2fstext (compdic component)
conf/Makefile updated
13 years |
to |
new version of dgp
added dgc, tre and compdic components
compiledic …
13 years |
to |
bug in mar fixed (invalid path to config file)
13 years |
to |
sen component added
13 years |
to |
Naprawy dotyczace oblugi plikow konfiguracyjnych.
13 years |
to |
lem.h - usuniety b��d, teraz kompiluje si�
13 years |
mprill |
Removed old files.
13 years |
mprill |
Rewritten the build system, added lem UTF-8 version.
15 years |
ruanda |
Migration to new build system.
* sen-nl moved and checked
15 years |
ruanda |
Migration to new build system.
* uam.tag2re moved and checked
16 years |
ruanda |
Migration to new build system.
* rs12 moved and checked
16 years |
ruanda |
Migration to new build system.
* rm12 moved and checked
16 years |
ruanda |
Migration to new build system.
* kon moved and checked
16 years |
ruanda |
Migration to new build system.
* ser moved and checked
16 years |
ruanda |
Migration to new build system.
* mar moved and checked
16 years |
ruanda |
Migration to new build system.
* grp moved and checked
16 years |
ruanda |
Migration to new build system.
* unfla moved and checked
16 years |
ruanda |
Migration to new build system.
* kot moved and checked
16 years |
ruanda |
Migration to new build system.
* gph moved and checked
16 years |
ruanda |
Migration to new build system.
* fla moved and checked
16 years |
ruanda |
Migration to new build system.
* sen moved and checked
16 years |
ruanda |
Migration to new build system. All tools need to be moved to ./src …