# # ChangeLog for src/compdic # # Generated by Trac 1.0.1 # 02/16/25 19:34:09 Fri, 20 Dec 2013 00:30:39 GMT Tomasz Obrebski [f600a02] * Makefile (modified) * conf/dgc.conf.m4 (modified) * conf/dgp.conf.m4 (modified) * configure (modified) * share/Makefile (modified) * share/pl_PL.ISO-8859-2/lem.bin (modified) * share/pl_PL.ISO-8859-2/lem.bin.cats (deleted) * src/compdic/Makefile (modified) * src/compdic/compdic (modified) * src/compdic/compdic-dic-to-fst (modified) * src/compdic/compdic-fst-to-bin (modified) Bugs in build and installation process fixed, lem.bin and gram.dgp built ... Thu, 17 Jan 2013 19:50:41 GMT Tomasz Obrebski [3b02b04] * conf/compdic.conf.m4 (modified) * conf/dgc.conf.m4 (modified) * conf/dgp.conf.m4 (modified) * conf/lem.conf.m4 (modified) * lib/attr.pm (modified) * share/Makefile (modified) * src/compdic/compdic-create-fst (deleted) * src/compdic/compdic-fst-add (deleted) * src/compdic/compdic-fst-minus (deleted) * src/compdic/compdic-fst-update (deleted) * src/dgc/Makefile (modified) * src/dgc/dgc (modified) * src/dgp/boubble.hh (modified) * src/dgp/dgp1.cc (modified) * src/dgp/grammar.cc (modified) * src/dgp/main.cc (modified) * src/dgp/sgraph.cc (modified) * src/dgp/sgraph.hh (modified) * src/grp/grp (modified) * src/tre/tre (modified) prawie ca�kiem nowe dgc, du�e zmiany w dgp, pomniejsze poprawki Thu, 17 Jan 2013 18:29:12 GMT Tomasz Obrebski [555c7f8] * src/compdic/Makefile (modified) * src/compdic/compdic (modified) * src/compdic/compdic-dic-to-cats (added) * src/compdic/compdic-dic-to-fst (added) * src/compdic/compdic-fst-to-bin (modified) * src/compdic/compdic-update (added) * src/compdic/compdic-update-cats (added) * src/compdic/compdic-update-fst (added) dodanie mo�liwo�ci szybkiego uaktualniania s�ownika dla lema Tue, 13 Mar 2012 16:18:41 GMT Tomasz Obrebski [f4bf33e] * src/common/common.cc (modified) * src/compdic/Makefile (modified) * src/compdic/compdic-create-fst (added) * src/compdic/compdic-fst-add (added) * src/compdic/compdic-fst-minus (added) * src/compdic/compdic-fst-to-bin (added) * src/compdic/compdic-fst-update (added) dodane programy do uaktualniania slownika form (compdic-*) Wed, 22 Feb 2012 22:10:23 GMT Tomasz Obrebski [abd28d1] * conf/Makefile (modified) * conf/compdic.conf.m4 (moved) * conf/dgc.conf.m4 (modified) * conf/lem.conf.m4 (modified) * conf/utt.conf.m4 (modified) * configure (modified) * share/Makefile (modified) * share/pl_PL.ISO-8859-2/lem.bin (modified) * share/pl_PL.ISO-8859-2/lem.bin.cats (added) * src/compdic/compdic (modified) fixed further bugs around compdic cats file renamed and moved config ... Wed, 22 Feb 2012 19:37:52 GMT Tomasz Obrebski [b242df2] * conf/Makefile (modified) * src/compdic/lst2fstext (modified) fixed bug in lst2fstext (compdic component) conf/Makefile updated Tue, 21 Feb 2012 19:02:51 GMT Tomasz Obrebski [e7de6cc] * Makefile (modified) * configure (modified) * share/cats.dgc (modified) * share/pl_PL.ISO-8859-2/lem.bin (modified) * src/compdic/Makefile (added) * src/compdic/aut2fsa.cc (added) * src/compdic/compdic (added) * src/compdic/fsm2aut (added) * src/compdic/lst2fstext (added) * src/compdic_utf8/Makefile (moved) * src/compdic_utf8/compdic (moved) * src/compdic_utf8/removeBom.sh (moved) * src/compdic_utf8/symbols.py (moved) * src/compdic_utf8/text2fst.py (moved) * src/dgc.rb/dgc.rb (added) * src/dgc/Makefile (added) * src/dgc/dgc (added) * src/dgp.old/Makefile (added) * src/dgp.old/Makefile.user (moved) * src/dgp.old/canonize (moved) * src/dgp.old/cmdline.ggo (moved) * src/dgp.old/cmdline_dgp.ggo (added) * src/dgp.old/const.hh (added) * src/dgp.old/dgc (moved) * src/dgp.old/dgp0.cc (added) * src/dgp.old/dgp0.hh (added) * src/dgp.old/global.cc (added) * src/dgp.old/global.hh (added) * src/dgp.old/go (moved) * src/dgp.old/grammar.cc (added) * src/dgp.old/grammar.hh (added) * src/dgp.old/main.cc (added) * src/dgp.old/mgraph.cc (added) * src/dgp.old/mgraph.hh (added) * src/dgp.old/sgraph.cc (added) * src/dgp.old/sgraph.hh (added) * src/dgp.old/symbol.cc (added) * src/dgp.old/symbol.hh (added) * src/dgp.old/thesymbols.hh (added) * src/dgp.old/tre (moved) * src/dgp.old/uttcommon.c (added) * src/dgp.old/uttcommon.h (added) * src/dgp/Makefile (modified) * src/dgp/boubble.cc (added) * src/dgp/boubble.hh (added) * src/dgp/const.hh (modified) * src/dgp/dgp0.cc (modified) * src/dgp/dgp1.cc (added) * src/dgp/dgp1.hh (added) * src/dgp/grammar.cc (modified) * src/dgp/grammar.hh (modified) * src/dgp/main.cc (modified) * src/dgp/mgraph.cc (modified) * src/dgp/mgraph.hh (modified) * src/dgp/sgraph.cc (modified) * src/dgp/sgraph.hh (modified) * src/dgp/symbol.hh (modified) * src/dgp/thesymbols.hh (modified) * src/gph/gph (modified) * src/tre/Makefile (added) * src/tre/tre (added) new version of dgp added dgc, tre and compdic components compiledic ...