no_of_parts=0 while [ $# -gt 2 ] do case $1 in -p) no_of_parts=$2 shift 2 ;; *) echo "The arguments to use are" echo "-p: number of parts" shift 1 ;; esac done if [ $# -lt 2 ] then echo "Usage:" echo " compdic [-p ] " echo "where" echo " - file containig a list of words, one per line, iso-8859-2 encoded" echo " - a file to which the compiled automaton (cor/kor format) shoul be written" exit 0 fi if [ $no_of_parts -eq 0 ] then no_of_parts=$(( `cat $1 | wc -l` / 75000 + 1 )) fi echo number of parts: $no_of_parts tempdir=`mktemp -d /tmp/compdic.XXXXXX` alphabet=`tempfile -d $tempdir` cat < $alphabet 0 a 1 A 2 ä 3 ± 4 ¡ 5 b 6 B 7 c 8 C 9 æ 10 Æ 11 d 12 D 13 e 14 E 15 é 16 ê 17 Ê 18 f 19 F 20 g 21 G 22 h 23 H 24 i 25 I 26 j 27 J 28 k 29 K 30 l 31 L 32 ³ 33 £ 34 m 35 M 36 n 37 N 38 ñ 39 Ñ 40 o 41 O 42 ö 43 ó 44 Ó 45 p 46 P 47 q 48 Q 49 r 50 R 51 s 52 S 53 ¶ 54 ¦ 55 t 56 T 57 u 58 U 59 ü 60 v 61 V 62 w 63 W 64 x 65 X 66 y 67 Y 68 z 69 Z 70 ¼ 71 ¬ 72 ¿ 73 ¯ 74 0 75 1 76 2 77 3 78 4 79 5 80 6 81 7 82 8 83 9 84 _ 85 - 86 ? 87 ! 88 ~ 89 ; 90 , 91 / 92 * 93 + 94 EOF no_of_lines=$(( (`cat $1 | wc -l` / $no_of_parts) + 1 )) split -l $no_of_lines $1 $tempdir/part. automaton=$tempdir/output.fst cat < $automaton EOF n=0 for f in $tempdir/part.* do temp1=`tempfile -d $tempdir` temp2=`tempfile -d $tempdir` temp3=`tempfile -d $tempdir` n=$(( $n + 1 )) echo processing part $n cat $f |\ lst2fstext |\ fstcompile --acceptor --isymbols=$alphabet |\ fstrmepsilon |\ fstdeterminize > $temp1 fstminimize $temp1 $temp2 fstunion $automaton $temp2 | fstrmepsilon | fstdeterminize > $temp3 fstminimize $temp3 $automaton done cat $automaton | fsttopsort | fstprint --acceptor --isymbols=$alphabet > aaaa cat aaaa | fsm2aut | aut2fsa > $2 rm -r $tempdir