#!/usr/bin/ruby require 'getoptlong' opts = GetoptLong.new( [ '--help', '-h', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ '--debug', '-d', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ '--format', '-F', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--info', '-I', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--only-trees','-t', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ]) $helptext= "The program generates trees from the graph output by dgp. dgp must\n"+ "must be run with '-i ds' option.\n\n"+ "Command: tre [options]\n\n"+ "Options:\n"+ "--help -h Print help (this text) and exit.\n"+ "--debug -d Verbose output. For developers only.\n"+ "--format=s -F s Output format. Recognized values:\n"+ " a root + list of arcs\n"+ " p parenthesized notation\n"+ " h human readable indented tree format\n"+ " Multiple values are allowed. (default p)\n"+ "--info=s -I s Information printed. Recognized values:\n"+ " n node identifier\n"+ " f surface form\n"+ " m morphological information\n"+ " l arc labels\n"+ "--only-trees -t Do not copy input. Print trees only.\n" $DEBUG=false $FORMAT='p' $INFO='DEFAULT' $ONLYTREES=false opts.each do |opt, arg| case opt when '--help' print $helptext exit 0 when '--debug' $DEBUG=true when '--format' $FORMAT=arg when '--info' $INFO=arg when '--only-trees' $ONLYTREES=true else print "Unknown option #{opt}. Ignored.\n" end end if $INFO=='DEFAULT' case $FORMAT when 'p','a' $INFO='nl' when 'h' $INFO='fmnl' end end load 'Seg.rb' $dgpsep=';' def tre(input) $gphid=[] $form=[] $lem=[] nodes=[] count=0 seg=Seg.new for line in input print line unless $ONLYTREES seg.set(line) if dgp=seg['dgp'] if nodes==[] && seg[3]!='BOS' print "A sentence must start with BOS segment. Aborting.\n" return end id=dgp[/^\d+/].to_i if gph=seg['gph'] $gphid[id]=gph[/^\d+/].to_i else print "No gph field. Aborting.\n" return end $form[$gphid[id]]=seg[4] $lem[$gphid[id]]=seg['lem'] nodes[id] = [seg[1].to_i,dgp] if seg[3]=='EOS' $pref = "#{seg[1]} #{seg[2]} SYN *" parsegraph(nodes) printgraph if $DEBUG $thetrees=[] gentrees2 for t in $thetrees count += 1 t1=ground(t) case $FORMAT when /a/ print "#{$pref} tre:#{count} arc:" printarcs(t1[0],t1[1]) print "\n" when /p/ print "#{$pref} tre:#{count} par:" printpar(t1[0],t1[1]) print "\n" when /h/ print "#\n# tree #{count}\n# ------\n" printtree(t1[0],t1[1],0) end end nodes=[] end end end end def nodeinfo(id) info="" if $INFO =~ /n/ info += id.to_s info += '.' if $INFO =~ /[fm]/ end if $INFO =~ /f/ info += $form[id] info += ';' if $INFO =~ /m/ end if $INFO =~ /m/ info += $lem[id] end info end def printarcs(root,arcs) print nodeinfo(root) for a in arcs print ';' print "#{a[2]}:" if $INFO =~ /l/ print nodeinfo(a[0])+'-'+nodeinfo(a[1]) end end def printtree(root,arcs,o) if o==0 print "# %-16s" % "root: " end print nodeinfo(root),"\n" for arc in arcs.select{ |a| a[0]==root }.sort{|a,b| a[1]<=>b[1] } print '# '," "*(o+1) print "%-16s" % (arc[2]+": ") printtree(arc[1],arcs,o+1) end end def printpar(root,arcs) print nodeinfo(root) deps = arcs.select{ |a| a[0]==root }.sort{|a,b| a[1]<=>b[1] } unless deps == [] print '(' cont=false for arc in deps if cont then print ',' else cont=true end print arc[2],':' if $INFO =~ /l/ printpar(arc[1],arcs) end print ')' end end def parsegraph(nodes) $n =nodes.length $sat =[]; $vis =[]; $succ=[]; $lhs =[]; $arcs=[]; $pos=[] for dgp in nodes parts = dgp[1].split($dgpsep,6) i = parts[0].to_i $pos[i] = dgp[0].to_i $sat << i if parts[1]=="s" $arcs |= parts[2].split(',').map{ |a| case a when /\-\-(\w+)-(\d+)\/(\d+)/ [i, $2.to_i, $1, $3.to_i] when /\+\+(\d+)-(\w+)\/(\d+)/ [$1.to_i, i, $2, $3.to_i] end } $succ |= parts[3][1..-2].split(',').map{|x| [x.to_i,i]} $vis |= parts[4][1..-2].split(',').map{|x| [x.to_i,i]} $lhs |= parts[5][1..-2].split(',').map{|x| [x.to_i,i]} + [[i,i]] end end def ground(t) [ $gphid[t[0]] , t[1].map{|a| [$gphid[a[0]],$gphid[a[1]],a[2]]} ] end def gentrees2() $thetrees=[]; bos=0; eos=$n-1; roots = (1...eos).select{|i| $vis.include? [i,eos]}.select{|i| $vis.include? [bos,i]} if $DEBUG then print "ROOTS: #{roots.inspect}\n" end for i in roots $theroot=i for r in buildR(i , eos, []) (rmin,rmax,rtree) = r buildR(bos, rmin, rtree) end end end def buildR(min, max, tree) if $DEBUG then print "buildR--#{min}--#{max}--#{tree.inspect}\n" end trees=[] for a in $arcs.select{|a| a[0]==max && $vis.include?([min,a[1]]) } if $DEBUG then print "ARC: #{a.inspect}\n" end for r in buildR(a[1],a[3],tree+[a]) (rmin,rmax,rarcs) = r for l in buildR(min,rmin,rarcs) (lmin,lmax,larcs) = l trees << [lmin,rmax,larcs] end end end for i in (0...$n).select{|i| $succ.include?([i,max])}.select{|i| $lhs.include?([min,i])} for l in buildL(min,i,tree) (lmin,lmax,larcs) = l trees << [lmin,lmax,larcs] end end trees end def buildL(min,max,tree) if $DEBUG then print "buildL--#{min}--#{max}--#{tree.inspect}\n" end if $pos[min]==$pos[max] if min==0 && max==0 $thetrees.push [$theroot,tree] if $DEBUG then print "adding tree: #{tree.inspect}\n" end end return [[max,max,tree]] end trees=[] for arc in $arcs.select{|a| a[1]==max && $lhs.include?([min,a[0]]) } if $DEBUG then print "ARC: #{arc.inspect}\n" end for r in buildR(arc[3],max,tree+[arc]) (rmin,rmax,rarcs) = r for l in buildL(min,rmin,rarcs) (lmin,lmax,larcs) = l trees << [lmin,lmax,larcs] end end end trees end def printgraph() print "N: #{$n}\n" print "SAT: #{set_to_s($sat)}\n" print "SUCC: #{rel_to_s($succ)}\n" print "VIS: #{rel_to_s($vis)}\n" print "LHS: #{rel_to_s($lhs)}\n" print "ARCS: #{arcs_to_s($arcs)}\n" end def set_to_s(s) "{#{s.join(',')}}" end def rel_to_s(r) "{#{r.map{|p| "(#{p[0]},#{p[1]})"}.join(',')}}" end def arc_to_s(q) "-#{q[0]}-#{q[2]}-#{q[1]}/#{q[3]}" end def arcs_to_s(a) "{#{a.map{|q| arc_to_s(q)}.join(',')}}" end ###################################################################### tre($stdin)