# main makefile # ****************************** # * Local variables # ****************************** CUR_DIR=$(shell pwd) SRC_DIR=$(CUR_DIR)/src OUTPUT_DIR=$(CUR_DIR)/output # ****************************** # * Global for make globals # ****************************** export UTT_DIR=${OUTPUT_DIR} export UTT_BIN_DIR=${UTT_DIR}/bin # executables export UTT_CONF_DIR=${UTT_DIR}/etc/utt # configuration files export UTT_LANG_DIR=${UTT_DIR}/share/utt # language/encoding specific stuff export UTT_LIB_DIR=${UTT_DIR}/lib/utt # some files like ser.l.template, terms.m4 export UTT_SHARE_DIR=${UTT_DIR}/share # stuff like documantation (man, info), docs: FAQ, COPYRIGHT, NEWS, README ############################## # list of components to be included in the distribution COMPONENTS = compiledic cor fla gph grp kon kot lem mar rm12 rs12 sen-l sen-nl ser tags tok.l unfla # gue nie dziala! ############################## # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # sekcja kompilacji (kompiluje i wgrywa do OUTPUT_DIR) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ .PHONY: compile compile: dirs components @echo "Make compiled successfully!" .PHONY: dirs dirs: if [ -d ${UTT_DIR} ]; then rm -r ${UTT_DIR}; fi mkdir -p ${UTT_DIR} mkdir -p ${UTT_BIN_DIR} mkdir -p ${UTT_CONF_DIR} mkdir -p ${UTT_LANG_DIR} mkdir -p ${UTT_LIB_DIR} mkdir -p ${UTT_SHARE_DIR} .PHONY: components components: @for cmp in $(COMPONENTS); do\ cd $(SRC_DIR)/$$cmp && make && make copy; cd $(CUR_DIR); \ done # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # sekcja sprzatania (kasuje binaria z katalogow SRC/COMPONENTS) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ .PHONY: clean clean: clean_components clean_doc clean_dist @echo "All files cleaned successfully!" .PHONY: clean_components clean_components: @for cmp in $(COMPONENTS); do \ cd $(SRC_DIR)/$$cmp && make clean ; cd $(CUR_DIR); \ done cd $(SRC_DIR)/lib && make clean; cd $(CUR_DIR); .PHONY: clean_doc clean_doc: cd $(CUR_DIR)/doc && make clean ; cd $(CUR_DIR) .PHONY: clean_dist clean_dist: # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # sekcja przygotowania paczki (programow wraz z dodatkowymi plikami) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ .PHONY: build build: compile build_conf build_lib build_share @echo "All files builded successfully!" .PHONY: build_conf build_conf: cp $(CUR_DIR)/conf/* $(UTT_CONF_DIR)/ .PHONY: build_lib build_lib: cp $(CUR_DIR)/lib/* $(UTT_LIB_DIR)/ .PHONY: build_share build_share: @echo "We need to create documentation here!" # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # sekcja tworzenia dystrybucji (tarballa, rpm, deb) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ .PHONY: distribute distribute: @echo "We need to create distribution here!" # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # sekcja testowania (kasuje tarballa z TARBALL_TEST_DIR, # kompiluje, robi paczke, # tworzy tarballa i wgrywa go do TARBALL_TEST_DIR) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ #install: all # cd ${UTT_DIR} && make install; cd ${CUR_DIR} #uninstall: # cd ${UTT_DIR} && make uninstall; cd ${DIR} #reinstall: # cd ${UTT_DIR} && make reinstall; cd ${DIR} #dist: all # tar -czvf $(UTT_DIST_NAME).tgz $(UTT_DIR) #clean_dist: # if [ -d $(UTT_DIST_DIR) ]; then rm -r $(UTT_DIST_DIR); else true; fi # if [ -f $(UTT_DIST_FILE).tar.bz2 ]; then rm $(UTT_DIST_FILE).tar.bz2; else true; fi # if [ -f $(UTT_DIST_PMDB_FILE).tar.bz2 ]; then rm $(UTT_DIST_PMDB_FILE).tar.bz2; else true; fi