= Welcome to UTT - UAM Text Tools = [[PageOutline(2,, inline)]] == What is UTT? == UTT is a package of language processing tools developed at [http://amu.edu.pl Adam Mickiewicz University]. Its functionality includes: * tokenization, * dictionary-based morphological analysis, * heuristic morphological analysis of unknown words, * spelling correction, * pattern search, * sentence splitting, * generation of concordance tables. The toolkit is destined for processing of raw (not annotated) unrestricted text for any conceivable purpose. The system is organized as a collection of command-line programs, each performing one operation, e.g. tokenization, lemmatization, spelling correction. The components are independent one from another, the unifying element being the uniform i/o file format. The components may be combined in various ways to provide various text processing services. Also new components supplied by the used may be easily incorporated into the system provided that they respect the i/o file format conventions. UTT component programs does not depend on any specific tagset or morphological description format. == License == AboutLicense UTT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The Polex/PMDBF dictionary is licensed under the Creative Commons by-nc-sa License which prohibits commercial use. == Getting the code == UTT uses [http://git-scm.com git] for managing its code. Assuming you have git installed, the following command in a terminal will fetch the most recent code for you: {{{ git clone http://utt.wmi.amu.edu.pl/utt.git }}} We are working on use of native git protocol. "Official" release tarballs are not available at the moment. == Browsing the code online == * [source: Browse source]: see the full code via a Web interface, * [/timeline/ Timeline]: keep track of recent changes. == Contact == * trac: create [/newticket/ ticket] for suggestions, improvements, and bugs, * e-mail: {{{utt at wmid.amu.edu.pl}}}.